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A 2021 life update.


Funny how I made a commitment to post once a week in 2020, and then again at the beginning of 2021. Yet here I am in APRIL posting for the second time in six months. If that gives you any indication as to how life has been...

But I'm turning over a new leaf. I recently listened to a few different podcasts that reminded me how important it is to carve out time to do things that I enjoy, and really just to not take each day so seriously. "Fun" is the thing that saves us in difficult days, the thing that keeps us sane in between work and work. Blogging is fun for me, and I want to get back in to doing it more. Someone hold me accountable!

For today though, I'm going to keep it simple and share what logistically has been happening in my life. We'll get to the good stuff soon.


I am currently living in Johnson City with my two wonderful roommates, and traveling to Greeneville often for dance and to see my parents. Life together this past year has mostly looked like a lot of being outdoors and spoiling our fur family.

Within the past six months we have gained two new fur babies! Dilly the dog lives in Greeneville and Bird the cat (raised by raccoons) lives in the apartment with me. We also recently had to say goodbye to our one-eyed wonder cat, Baby. Our pets are our family, and life sure would be boring without them!


Last summer I announced that I was rejoining Main Street Dance Company as a primary instructor. It was by far the best thing that happened in 2020, and I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to do what I love with the people that I love on a daily basis! Teaching dance has become my most cherished form of ministry. It is important to me that I show girls (and two boys!) how to love each other, themselves, and God. They have been my saving grace this year and have reignited my sense of purpose.

Last month our studio moved locations, and we are just loving our new facility. I am looking forward to one day purchasing the business and introducing fresh ideas of my own! Until then, I am enjoying my time with the girls and finding the balance between working hard and being silly!


Don't you worry, I am still working at Natural Pet Supply! I have always loved animals and so it is a joy to get to serve them. I am closing in on three years there and I am so thankful to be a part of such a wonderful team!


Most of my days off involve a nice drive and some quiet time with Jesus, but every once in a while something really memorable happens.

  • I got to welcome my friend's first baby into the world!

  • My first out-of-state trip in a year was to see my Uganda family in New Jersey!

  • I changed a flat tire all by myself (that one wasn't so much fun as it was a proud moment).

  • I tried my hand at choreography for the first time (in a studio setting).

  • I was choreographer for the GHS Winter Guard.

  • I got to serve my friends in Uganda by creating fundraising videos.

  • I got to do a bible study with my two roommates and another one with my sweet friend.

  • I got to read a bunch of really good books.

  • I got to practice Advent for the first time on my own.

  • My roommates and I went "ghosting." Best. Time. Ever.


Some of my upcoming projects are still in the works and can't be announced just yet, but here are a few of the things I'm looking forward to this summer!

  • I will continue to work at Natural Pet Supply and teach summer classes at Main Street Dance Company.

  • I am so excited to be leading a bible study with some of my older dancers this summer!

  • For the fourth summer I will be coaching/choreographing for the GHS Color Guard.

  • I will be working on renovating/cleaning/updating a mission house here in Johnson City.

  • I will be editing a second book for The Dignity Project, based in Uganda.

  • I am looking for more ways to serve/get involved with the Greeneville community as that is where I see myself ending up soon.

  • Traveling with friends to visit more friends, and saying some really bittersweet goodbyes; three of my closest friends are moving away this fall!

  • People always ask me about Uganda so here's my answer: While I don't have any concrete plans to return this year, it is my hope and prayer that I will get to visit my friends there soon, maybe as early as Summer 2022!

And that's that on that! I can't wait to share more about what God has been doing in my heart and life!

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Apr 12, 2021

I appreciate you doing these!! My phone turns more into and instrument of keeping my child alive verses a communication device these days and these updates make me feel like I’m still in the loop. I’m so proud of the woman God has shaped you to be and is still shaping you to become! I love watching you grow and move. So proud of you friend!! Love you lots!!


Apr 10, 2021

All sounds great! Glad to hear about you & your fun and worthwhile activities!

Love you, ho


Apr 09, 2021

I'm always glad to hear about what's going on in your life. I still hope we can find time to meet and catch up before too long. Leigh Ann is buying a house in Jackson, so since you'll be in the fixing up mode, maybe you can go with me to see her for a long weekend when she gets ready to move.

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