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God is good.

Writer's picture: Mansi BoegemannMansi Boegemann

God is good, y'all.

I say that phrase multiple times a day, every day, and have probably done so ever since I first heard it used. But in all honesty, it goes against what I've been taught as a writer.

When you're in an English class, or in journalism, creative writing and the like, teachers say that you should use stronger words than "good." Say something more descriptive, they say, such as "lovely," "virtuous," or "splendid."

But here is why I love this phrase. In Genesis 1, God literally created the heavens and the earth and the light and the plants and the animals. He artistically formed every single thing that we see and take for granted to this day from absolutely nothing. Every idea and creative thought that man has ever had has stemmed from the original Creator. (PRO TIP: Don't try to think about what it was like before He created these things because your head will explode trying to imagine it.)

And you know what He said when He created these things?

It was good. (Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25)

It was good. Not, "it was brilliant," or "it was groundbreaking," or "God said to Himself, 'Dude, you are talented.'" He said it was good.

It was good.

Farther down in the chapter, God created man, and He saw that "it was very good." (Genesis 1:31)

Mankind, the creation that God designed in His own image, was very good. God's most precious possession was very good.

So, if "good" is enough for God, it's enough for me.

Here are the good things that God is doing at University Discipleship Movement:

SUNDAYS: Church in a way that I have never churched before. When we go to church, we dance and scream-sing and It. Is. A. Party.

*Every Sunday evening, WGM: Uganda comes together to pray over each other and our ministries.*

MONDAYS: Men and women come together and gain life skills that will help them in the future. They learn how to live a balanced life that is glorifying to Jesus.

TUESDAYS: A community mentor meets with a small group to talk about life. It's discipleship at its finest, where more seasoned believers reach out their hands to guide university students through the mountaintops and the deep valleys.

WEDNESDAYS: A bible study, free of outside commentary and clutter. Simply the Word of God, interpreted, discussed, and later applied.

THURSDAYS: My hosts open up their home to anyone who would like to come discuss the Word and learn how to live mission-minded.

*Also, I take a nap and rest on Thursdays because yowza, it's been a long week.

FRIDAYS: The weekly worship gathering of college students, sometimes with discussion, sometimes with a speaker, but always with the influence of the Holy Spirit.

*In between all of these things, students are constantly going out on mission to the campus, visiting primary and high schools, going to the police barracks nearby, visiting dormitories, leading new believer courses, and so many other outreach events.

This is just one ministry in Kampala. It's not to mention what work is being done at Heritage International School, The Dignity Project, The Print Shop, Simply Donuts, Refuge and Hope, Tutapona (a refugee counseling organization), African Authorship Collective, and others that I'm sure I've missed. God is busy and I am so blessed that the Lord has considered me faithful enough to be a part of it.

God is good, y'all.

A clip of the magnificent chaos that is Friday Connect (the Well equivalent, for my ETSU friends).



University Discipleship Movement is going to Camp! Please pray for the 200+ students who will be attending from September 18-21, that their hearts will be receptive to the messages and that the event will jumpstart a passion for the Lord and His kingdom.

The students at Heritage International School are going on Retreat! Please pray for the middle school retreat this Thursday and Friday, and for the high school retreat from September 18-20.

Please pray for Dignity Project: Congo as women begin to implement the program there. I know this is vague, but I will do an entirely separate post on the Dignity Project later on! In the meantime, please visit the website for Uganda.

Please pray for me as I begin writing stories about the students I come into contact with. These stories will be used for ministry updates, requests for funding, and other purposes as needed. Please pray that the Lord will accomplish what He desires through this opportunity!

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Sep 21, 2019

God is good all the time! All the time, God is good! Wow, what a blessing it is to read your blog. So very proud of you, Mansi. Your writing is perfect and entertaining. The respect you have for this community and these people is evident. And, the love you have for God brightens my screen! I’ll keep watching for updates. In the meantime, do your thang! I know you’ve missed this East Tennessee slang. 😘


Sep 13, 2019

I love keeping up with you through your blog! We pray for you in our GA group at church- one of the girls was a dance student of yours. Praying that you will touch many lives for Christ while on this journey. Love you!


Sep 10, 2019

Proud of you, Mansi! I'm loving all the posts and being able to keep up with your work through your blog. We love and miss you!

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